5 Tricks in the Google Suite to organize yourself during teleworking


Are you doing telecommuting and you feel lost due to lack of organization? If the answer is yes, we have prepared this post for you.

Have good organization at the time of Work from home It is essential to achieve all objectives, so if you want to know how to improve it through G Suite, the suite of apps Google For professionals, from Ucloudstore we explain our best tricks.?

Teleworking currently

As we have already commented in other posts, having the opportunity to Work from home Nowadays it is essential for many sectors and professionals. There are a wide variety of applications that will allow you to remote work be more fluid and easier, but in this post we will focus only on the tricks in the Google Suite, G Suite. If you want to know more about the telecommuting You can expand the information by consulting 4 tips for making video calls from home and 6 essential applications for teleworking.

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5 Tricks with the Google Suite to have better organization during teleworking

1. Google Calendar: change the color of your tasks

This is one of the best tips to organize your work in Google Calendar, with the Google Suite. You can work with different calendars or with yourself, changing the color of each task in order to organize all events more clearly. Having each category of tasks or schedules in a different color will make it much easier for you to organize and keep your tasks in mind at all times. If you want to know more Calendar tricks you can also consult the article Google Calendar: 5 tips to get the most out of it.

A. Different calendars

This is the best option if you want to organize events based on themes and have the option to hide some of them. You can create different calendars with names such as: "Work Schedule", "Meetings" and/or "Tasks". To create them you will simply have to:

  1. Gonna "Other Calendars«, in the lower left corner.
  2. Click on the «+» symbol and click «Create a Calendar«
  3. Give it a name to that new Calendar and click on “Create Calendar”
  4. When it is created, go to «My Calendars» and click on *. In the window that opens, apply a color.

B. Organize tasks on the same calendar

If you prefer not to have different calendars, you also have the option of doing it in a single calendar that collects all the data. You just have to do Right click on the event you want to change the color of. This way you can choose the one you like the most. A simple action that will allow you to identify more quickly what time of day we are and what task we should prioritize.

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2. Gmail: use filters to automate actions

A good way to improve organization in your inbox Gmail, with the use of the Google Suite, is to create filters that automate actions. In this way, let the Suite work for you, saving you time and streamlining the entire organization of your tasks.

To do this you will have to:

  1. Gonna Gmail and open the Setting.
  2. Gonna filters and blocked addresses.
  3. Click on create a filter.
  4. Assign the values by which you want to filter and click on "Create filter"
  5. In the window, choose What criteria do we want to automate?. For example, if I want a message that comes to me on behalf of a specific user to be automatically tagged, we will press the option «apply tag: ….».

3. Google Sheets: automatically translate texts

This fantastic tool can be very useful to translate texts automatically and, in this way, increase productivity if you see that it has decreased recently. To do it you will only have to:

  1. Open Google Sheets
  2. Create a column that has as its title the language of the words that you want to translate, and another with the language resulting from the translation.
  3. Write the words you want to translate.
  4. In the translation column, write the formula to translate. For example: =GOOGLETRANSLATE(D4;»en»:»es»). In your case you would have to change "D4" for the name of the cell you want to translate, and the languages depending on your preferences.

If you want to know more tips about Google Sheets and the Google Suite for Business, we recommend that you read the article Google Sheets: 7 tips to be an expert. This way, you won't miss any details and you'll be able to get the most out of the tool in a more practical and functional way.

4. Google Meet: create your calls easily

If during the telecommuting you need to create calls quickly and easily, the Google Suite It is the ideal tool to solve all communication needs. You only have to access your Google Calendar and directly create the meeting. Once created, it will link directly to Google Meet through a link. Thanks to this link, you can invite the people you want in the most dynamic way, since they will connect with you in just one click. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Accede to Google Calendar
  2. Create a new event and add guests from your email account.
  3. Guests will be sent a message to their inbox where they can confirm your attendance. In this message you will also receive a link or  URL through which they can access the call directly.
  4. If the guest wants to access this manually, they just have to go directly to their calendar and click on the URL. A window will then open Google Meet with the video call. Remember that you must activate the camera and microphone to get the most out of your video call and video conference.

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5. Google Docs: real-time collaboration

If you have ever used Google Docs, but you have only limited yourself to writing texts and saving or sending them, we detail all the advanced options so that you can get the most out of your collaborative work. remote work. So we leave you with some of the most complex options:

A. Share a file

To share a file from Google Docs and the Google Suite, it is as simple as entering the document and going to the button on the right margin and pressing the option "Share". In the window that opens you will only have to write the emails with which you want to share your document, allowing other users to edit it in sync with you. You can also write a note that will appear in the message that the recipient will receive in their inbox. Gmail.

B. Comment directly on the file

The documents of Google They allow us to collaborate between several people very easily thanks to the possibility of commenting directly on the file to write messages to the other contributors to the document. Also, if you write a «+» followed by the person's email, you can tag them and a notification will arrive in their Gmail inbox. You can also assign the comment as task. All of this, in a very dynamic and functional way.

C. Check the edit history for all modifications

Another of the interesting and less known options that it has Google Docs, is the usefulness of reviewing the history, to be aware of all the changes that have been made to the document. With Google Docs apart from collaborate remotely and not having to create different versions of the same document, you can also access the change history. This allows you to see not only what changes there are, but also who has made them, in addition to being able restore previous versions. You just have to click on the tab "All changes have been saved to Drive".

Do you want to get started with the Google Professional Suite?

If you want to start using the Google Corporate Suite, Ucloustore makes it easy for you by helping you implement G Suite. As Google Official Premier Partner We can advise you and offer you personalized training to resolve your doubts. Implement the remote work in your company, as well as its implementation, will be an easy and completely practical fact for the company. You just have to contact us from our web form or call our customer service number directly 634.887.870 and our agents will explain to you very clearly the best way to take advantage of your team's collaboration depending on your company and the sector in which you are located.

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