General conditions of use and contracting

Date Updated November 16, 2018

This Web portal and all its content, including the services provided, belongs to CU2 CLOUD TEC STORE SL (hereinafter, CU2), with CIF B88143425 and registered office at World Trade Center, Moll de Barcelona s/n, Edificio Sur, Local 10? Low level. (Spain). Registered in the Commercial Registry of Madrid with Volume 37943, Folio 43, Sheet M-675635, contact telephone number +34 634 88 78 70, and contact email


Before using the Services offered by uCloud, you agree to read and accept the General Conditions of Use (CGU).

By registering as a User you agree to respect these CGU.

By making continued use of the Website, you acknowledge that you are fully informed and accept the provisions of the CGU and agree to respect them. If you do not accept the CGU, you will not be able to continue the subscription process and you will not be able to use the Services offered on the Website.

These rules have been adopted in accordance with the legislation to guarantee the freedom of Users, as well as a quality Internet service.


uCloud: Provider of computer products.

CGU: General Conditions of Use formed by this contract and which are applicable, without any restriction or limitation, to all of the Services proposed by uCloud.

Services: Refers to the set of products, paid or free, available to Website Users.

User: Internet user over 18 years of age and legally resident in Spain who has accepted uCloud.

Article 1: Purpose and formation of the contract

The Web is a relaxed place intended solely for Users, whose objective is to provide users with information about products offered by the company, related to the computer sector. In this Web environment you can consult the prices, availability, and characteristics of the product. You can also place orders directly.

Users who have not accepted the CGU and completed the information indicated on the WEBSITE will not be able to continue the registration process.

The language of this contract is Spanish.

The contractual data, including the GCU, are archived by uCloud. Users may consult the CGU on the Web, where only the current version of the CGU is published.

The data that will be requested through the Website will be basic identification data, such as name and surname, email, and access password. In the case of purchases, financial information will also be requested, depending on the payment method chosen.

Article 2: Conditions of access

2.1. Requirements to be a User

To be a User of the Website, it is necessary:

-Being over 18 years.

-Have read and accepted the CGU.

The User guarantees the authenticity and veracity of the information provided and undertakes to keep it updated through their User Account.

uCloud does not have the technical and/or legal means to verify the accuracy of the alleged identity of the Users and is not responsible for the accuracy or inaccuracy of said information.

However, in the event that there are doubts about the accuracy of the information provided by the User (and in particular about their age), or in the event that third parties or other Users communicate information that leads one to believe that there is identity theft or falsehood In the information provided by a User about their identity, uCloudStore may:

? Deny the user the purchase of the products offered,

? request the User in question a photocopy of their current national identity document.

In the event that the User does not proceed to send said document within a period of 8 days, or in the event that it is found that there has been identity theft or that false information has been provided that may cause harm to third parties, the will consider that the User has violated the GCU and his contract may be terminated by operation of law in accordance with article 4 of the GGU.

2.2. Subscription form/Mandatory information

To carry out the product purchasing process, it is not necessary to register. However, to save time on your order you can register. In both cases, the following information must be obligatorily communicated:

? Name and surname.

? Electronic address.

? Financial data depending on the chosen payment method.

23. Optional information

? Birthdate

Article 3: Description of service prices

3.1. Conditions for Web Users

uCloud may offer its users services free of charge for an indefinite period, without prejudice to a modification of the GCU in accordance with art. 8 of the CGU.

The free services refer to access to the Website and public content, in no case does it refer to the products offered therein, the price of which will be the one indicated in each case on the Website, as indicated in the following section.

3.2. Rates and Payment Methods

On the uCloduStore website you can pay through the following methods:

  • Credit or debit card: Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.
  • PayPal.
  • Bank transfer: Under prior notice.

3.3. Shipping costs

Shipping costs for all products on the uCloud website are free.

The term ?shipping costs? includes all expenses associated with the logistics process: handling, logistics, postage, packaging and transportation to the delivery point indicated by the client. Shipping costs for each product depend on its physical characteristics.

3.4. Delivery times to the Peninsula, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands:

Delivery times for product shipments by the seller may vary depending on the geographical area, under normal conditions they will be:

Peninsula: 24-48 hours*

Balearic Islands: 24-72 hours*

Canary Islands: 24-72 hours*

*As an exceptional situation, if there is not enough stock or more material must be requested from the manufacturer, the buyer will be notified in order to provide a new delivery date and time.

3.5. Returns

We guarantee total customer satisfaction. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you can return the merchandise or product in its original box subject to the rules described below. You have the right to withdraw from the purchase agreement at any time up to 14 days after the delivery date.

All items must be returned with the original tags, instructions for use, warranty and other labels and packaging. If the buyer does not return the product in the same original packaging, the good may suffer depreciation. On the other hand, sIf items returned under this right are not in resalable condition, the return will not be accepted.

If you want to make a return, please send us an email to:

3.6. Withdrawal, Cancellation Policy and Guarantee:

If there are errors or inaccurate information on the WEBSITE regarding any of the prices, products or their description, and that have directly motivated the User's contracting, the User will have the right to revoke the contracting at no cost.

The period for exercising this right is 14 calendar days from receipt of the product or from the conclusion of the contract if it involves the provision of services, without penalties for its exercise.

The consumer must be refunded the total amount of the purchase, that is, the price of the product plus shipping costs before 14 calendar days have elapsed from the date on which he or she has been informed of the consumer's decision to withdraw from the contract. using the same payment method used by the consumer for the initial transaction, unless the consumer has expressly provided otherwise and as long as the consumer does not incur any expenses as a result of the refund.

The exercise of this right may not be subject to any formality, so the consumer may be required to return the product in perfect condition without limiting the use of the product (as long as it does not go beyond mere verification of its good condition and operation thereof).

On the other hand, and in the event that the return is due to a fault in handling or breakage caused by the buyer themselves, the buyer will be the one who will pay the return shipping costs. Taking into account that if the buyer does not return the product in the same packaging, the shipment could suffer depreciation. In the event of a breakage in shipment, failure or technical breakdown of the product, the return will be paid for by uCloud.

In the event of a defective product, the seller must proceed, as appropriate, to repair, replace, reduce the price or terminate the contract, procedures that will be free of charge for the consumer and user.

In terms of withdrawal by the buyer, uCloud makes available to users a standard withdrawal form which can be filled out and provided online, with the seller acknowledging receipt without delay.

The seller is responsible for any lack of conformity that appears within a period of two years from delivery.

The consumer and user must inform the seller of the lack of conformity within a period of two months.
since he became aware of her.

3.7. Equitable compensation (digital fee)

Royal Decree-Law 12/2017, of July 3, which modifies the consolidated text of the Intellectual Property Law, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12, regarding the compensation system equitable by private copying regulates equitable compensation. It is important to take into consideration that there are exceptions to the payment of the aforementioned compensation:

The following are exempt from payment of compensation:

  1. a) Those carried out by the entities that make up the public sector;
  2. b) Those carried out by legal or natural persons acting as final consumers, which justify the exclusively professional destination of the equipment, devices or material supports acquired and provided that these have not been made, in law or in fact, available to private users. and that are manifestly reserved for uses other than making private copies;
  3. c) Those carried out by those who have the required authorization to carry out the corresponding reproduction of works, artistic performances, phonograms or videograms, as appropriate, in the exercise of their activity;
  4. d) Those carried out by natural persons for private use outside Spanish territory as travelers.

3.8. After-Sales Service Conditions

If you hire a (complementary) migration service, post-migration support is included in the proposal for the 15 days following its completion.

If an implementation service is contracted, uCloud will make an SOW (Statement of Work) available to the client, which will be signed at the end of the project to confirm the execution of the contracted services.

The following billing methods are offered: flexible plan (pay as you go) and annual plan. The payment being an annual/monthly plan of 30 days on the invoice date through promissory note, transfer or direct debit receipt.

IMPORTANT: if you, as a customer, fall into one of these three categories, contact our commercial department to manage the payment exception before making the purchase.

On this website, the final price of the products for which it is legally applicable includes the digital fee with taxes included. Likewise, both the fee and the taxes derived from its application will be itemized on the invoice or proof of purchase.

Article 4: Duration of the contract

This contract has an indefinite duration and can be terminated by the User at any time, without prior notice and without the need to justify their decision.

uCloud may terminate the contract without having to justify its decision as long as it notifies the User by email with a notice period of one week.

uCloud sells:

? Hardawe

? Google email licenses: monthly or annual. You can consult Google's general conditions through the following link:

Pursuant to the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Clients and other complementary laws, uCloudStore informs Users that They may exercise their right of withdrawal within a maximum period of 14 calendar days from the moment of receipt of the product, as long as it has not been consumed, in whole or in part.

Article 5: Obligations and responsibilities of Users

5.1. User Obligations

Users undertake to:

-Make truthful statements that conform to reality.

-Comply with current regulations and not violate public order.

-Respect intellectual or industrial property rights.

-Do not transmit or disseminate the content of the communications and messages that have been sent to you through the Services made available to you.

5.2. User Responsibility

Users are solely responsible for the use of the data they consult, request or communicate on the Website.

Users undertake to hold harmless and, where appropriate, compensate CU2 for any sanction, fine, compensation, damage or loss arising from any claim of any type or nature that may arise, directly or indirectly, from non-compliance with the legal and/or contractual obligations derived from the CGU attributable to the User.

uCloud does not control the sites and external sources (web pages, forums, etc.) to which the hypertext links placed online by Users on the WEB are derived and is not responsible for their content. In this regard, Users are invited to interrupt the consultation and notify uCloud if it is discovered that a hypertext link directs them to a Site or an external source whose title or content violates the laws.

The fact that uCloud does not express the non-compliance of the Users with the CGU cannot be interpreted as a waiver on their part to express such non-compliance in the future.

Article 6: Obligations and responsibilities of uCloud

6.1. uCloud Obligations

uCloud is committed to offering Users an online service in accordance with the laws.

6.2. uCloud Responsibility

uCloud is not responsible for cases of fraud, identity theft or other criminal offenses or attacks on the image or privacy against third parties committed by Users through the Website.

In general, uCloud is not responsible for the information that users provide, nor for its veracity, authenticity, or accuracy, whether they provide it directly or through other subscription means.

CU2 may retain any type of content related to possible legal violations, especially to communicate it to the competent authorities. Likewise, it will retain the data of users who unsubscribe in compliance with current regulations on the protection of personal data or any applicable regulations.

uCloudStore does not guarantee that the Services will work in the event of interruption of the User's Internet access or in case of non-functioning or poor access conditions caused by Internet network congestion as well as any other reason of force majeure, not attributable to uCloudStore or its borrowers.

In the event of a defective product, uCloudStore must proceed, as appropriate, to repair, replace, reduce the price or terminate the contract, procedures that will be free of charge for the consumer and user.

The seller is responsible for any lack of conformity that appears within a period of two years from delivery. The consumer and user must inform the seller of the lack of conformity within a period of two months from when they became aware of it.

Article 7: Intellectual property

7.1. CU2 Rights

The logos, graphics, photographs, animations, videos and texts that appear on the WEBSITE as well as all those elements necessary for the operation of the WEBSITE -architecture, design, code pages, CSS pages and any other element-, and cannot be reproduced, used or represented, on any medium and by any technical means without the express authorization of uCloud, otherwise appropriate legal actions will be initiated.

The usage rights granted by uCloud to Users are strictly limited to their private and personal use within the framework of the signed contract and for its entire duration. Any other use by Users is strictly prohibited without authorization from uCloudStore.

Users are strictly prohibited from modifying, copying, reproducing, downloading, disseminating, transmitting, exploiting for commercial purposes and/or distributing in any way the Services, the pages of the WEB or the computer codes of the elements that make up the Services and the WEB. .

Article 8: Modification of the general conditions of use

uCloud reserves the right to modify, at any time and without prior notice, these Terms and Conditions to adapt them to legislative or jurisprudential developments as well as changes or practices in the economy or the sector, taking into account in all cases moment the legitimate interests of the Users, and the User must periodically consult these conditions, terms and policies in order to verify or ensure the existence of modifications or changes to them, taking as reference the date of the last update. All this without prejudice to the non-affection of the changes to the contracts already signed. It should be noted that certain products offered to Users may contain their own particular Contract conditions that, where appropriate, replace, modify and/or complement the Terms and Conditions, in which case prior reading and acceptance of them is also necessary.

Article 9: Applicable law

By virtue of article 23 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on information society services and electronic commerce, contracts entered into electronically such as this one will be fully effective and are provided for by the legal system, provided that the consent and other requirements for its validity are met.

These contract conditions are available to all uCloud customers free of charge. Access to the contracting process is completely free, with no additional associated costs, apart from the Client having an Internet connection. Each and every one of the products offered are duly described in the product sheet that will always be available to customers, not including those issues that have not been expressly indicated therein.

It is considered that the contract is perfected from the moment the User presses the "Accept" button, understanding that the monitoring of all phases of the electronic contracting procedure and the inclusion of all the requested data imply, together with the express final acceptance of the present conditions, a clear and direct manifestation of the final Client's willingness to accept these general contracting conditions. uCloud, as an Information Society service provider, will store the electronic document in which this contract is formalized on a durable medium. Said electronic document will be accessible by the user through the link that will be provided in the confirmation email, which can be printed.

Article 10: Partial nullity

If any clause of the GCU is declared null or invalid by application of a law or regulation or by any competent authority, the aforementioned provision or clause will be considered non-existent, the contract continuing in full force between the parties with respect to the other clauses. , and must be interpreted in accordance with the contractual will expressed by the parties in this document.

Article 11: Domain purchases

11.1. General domain purchasing policies

After the initial purchase term, products will automatically renew at the then-current renewal list price.

Offers may be subject to change without prior notice. Prices are current as of the date of the promotional email and are subject to change.

The discounted price will be displayed in your shopping cart.

Offers are for exclusive, one-time use of the account number shown in the email.

Special discount offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, sale, discount or promotion.

uCloud reserves the right to refuse use of any offer and/or to cancel products purchased using any offer in cases of abuse or fraudulent use of the offer, as determined by uCloudStore in its sole discretion.

11.2. Discount Domain Name Offers

The discount applies to new domain registrations for the first year to the specific TLDs stated in the promotional email. Discounted offers are not applicable for taxes, transfers, premium domains and pre-registration fees for trademark holders or priority registrations.

The ICANN fee of 0.15? per domain name per year applies for many TLDs.

All domain name registrations and renewals are non-refundable and subject to the terms and conditions of our Registration Agreement. Certain domains will be invoiced up to 30 days before the renewal date.

11.3. Volume Discount Domain Offers

Volume discount percentage is based on top level domains and quantity. Not all top-level domains qualify for a volume discount. Domains with volume pricing do not qualify for additional promotional discounts.

11.4. Discounted Private Registry Offers

The discount is based on the sales price of Privacy Protection. The price in your cart will be prorated to match the length of your domain registration. Privacy services are not available for some domain extensions.

11.5. New orders with discount

Not valid for ICANN fees, taxes, transfers, premium domains, premium templates, advertising budget for search engine visibility, cloud server plans, Microsoft 365 Premium business business plans, any marketing or design services performed by our team. professional web services, gift cards or early registration fees or Priority/Trademark Holder Early Registrations.

11.6. Discounted Renewals

This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion and applies to new orders as well as renewals of the following products: .com, .net, .org, and .ca domains, web hosting, Website Builder , SSL certificates and email plans. Does not apply to ICANN fees, taxes, premium domains, premium templates, search engine visibility advertising budget, gift cards, or early registration fees or Priority/Trademark Holder Early Registrations.

Certain domains will be invoiced up to 30 days before the renewal date.

All domain name registrations and renewals are non-refundable and subject to the terms and conditions of our Registration Agreement.

11.7. Discounted Product Updates

After your upgrade, if you want to turn off automatic renewal for your product, you can do so at any time in your account.

11.8. Universal Terms of Service

Use of this Site and any uCloud products or services is subject to express terms of use. By using this site and/or purchasing uCloud products and services, you agree to be bound by these Universal Terms of Service and any applicable product agreements.