Enjoy of the high availability that GCP offers in all its cloud services

With the methodology of High Availability that offers Google Cloud Platform You will be able to ensure that the services offered remain available for as long as possible, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

How does the Google Cloud Platform high availability methodology work?

The high availability yesand tries to ensure that the services continue performing optimally regardless of the situation they are under: high user demand, connectivity problems, user experience, deployments, etc. To do this, each service must have:

Scaling system

A scaling system that allows you to make your resources more flexible depending on demand (increasing or decreasing).

Load distribution system

A load distribution system or Load Balancer that distributes requests efficiently between the different nodes of the solution.

Request manager

A queue/request manager that stores and processes requests without any being lost or spoiled.

Alternative system

An alternative system through which to provide service in case of failure of the main environment.

Much more than high availability: GCP backups

With Google Cloud, you will also have a backup of the files, which remains in a secondary location waiting to be used if necessary.

With the Backup and the Google Cloud recovery Backups can be made of all elements of the infrastructure: configuration files, data, hard drives, logs, etc. periodically, in real time or in response to an event.

Protect yourself from Ransomware attacks with GCP

To help you mitigate ransomware attacks, Google Cloud provides you with controls to identify, protect, detect, respond and recover of the attacks. These controls help you achieve the following:

Assess the risks

Protect your company from threats

Maintain continuous operations

Enable fast response and recovery

uCloud Support
Why with a Google partner?

Service 24x7 Google Cloud Platform Support consists of a team of experts in the management and operation of the cloud Google Cloud. To be more efficient, it has a tracking system incidents built from a ticket system that allow events to be recorded reactive.

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