How to choose the best video conferencing device for your company


The hybrid or remote work modality has changed several aspects in companies, among them, the use of video conferencing device as an essential tool to improve collaboration and communication between work teams. This is why knowing how to choose the best video conferencing device is very important to ensure that the online meetings (whether in the office itself or remotely) are the most efficient and effective possible.

Below we tell you the main characteristics of each video conferencing system and the most important thing to keep in mind to choose the one that best suits your company.

Audio and video quality: Make sure the device has good audio and video quality so conversations are clear and uninterrupted.

Compatibility: Make sure the device is compatible with the video conferencing platforms your company frequently uses, such as Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, and more.

Easy to use: The device should be easy to set up and use, so employees don't waste time learning how to use it.

Additional functions: Some devices have additional features, such as screen sharing, meeting recording, and the ability to connect to multiple microphones or cameras.

Cost: Cost is an important consideration, but you don't always need to spend a lot of money to get a high-quality device.

Size and portability: Consider the size of the device and whether it needs to be portable so employees can use it in different locations.

Technical support: Make sure the device comes with technical support, so you can get help if you have problems.

1. What equipment is needed to develop a video conference?

For the most part, the video conferencing device It is made up of software, that is, an application, and hardware, made up of speakers, camera, control system, etc. In addition, it is extremely important to have a good internet connection, and the following equipment:

Video conferencing device: This can be a computer, a tablet or a mobile phone, which has a webcam, a microphone and speakers or headphones to participate in the meeting.

Internet connection: A high-speed internet connection is required for smooth and uninterrupted video conferencing.

Video conferencing platform: a video conferencing platform should be chosen, such as Google Meet, Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, among others, that it is compatible with the device that will be used for the video conference.

Additional hardware: If better video or audio quality is required, additional equipment can be used, such as external microphones, high-quality webcams, and speakers.

Meeting management software: Some video conferencing platforms also have tools to manage meetings, such as screen sharing, digital whiteboard, meeting recording, among others.



2. Keys to choosing the best video conferencing software

To have productive meetings we must take into account several aspects, including choosing good video conferencing software, choosing good hardware, and taking into account what the meeting room will be like and the number of people there will be.

As for the software, It is important:

  • Choose one that is Easy to use and have specific functionalities that improve the meeting experience such as screen sharing, meeting recording, chat, emoji reactions, etc.
  • that has security measures demanding to protect information and users from possible cyber attacks.
  • To be compatible with other programs that you use in your company (such as Google Workspace either Microsoft Office).
  • Keep in mind the costs and that fit your company's budget. Each provider of these services has specific plans for every need, with more or less functionality.


2.1. Purposes for which videoconferencing will be implemented

As far as possible, it is important to know in advance what use we will give to our videoconferencing system. With this information it will be more feasible to find the best video conferencing device for your company. Among the most common uses may be the integration of work teams, greater communication and collaboration, job interviews, training, etc.

2.2. Technical support

Have a authorized and personalized technical support is key for any video conferencing device. Support for video conferencing software is crucial as it ensures that the video conferencing experience is as smooth and effective as possible. Video conferencing software providers must offer reliable and fast technical support to help users resolve technical issues and maximize productivity.

23. Quality and quantity of participants in each meeting

According to amount of participants that usually join each meeting, it will be the choice of the plan that you consider since the providers of the video conferencing systems They offer packages that vary depending on the number of users who have access to the platform and how many will be able to join the meeting simultaneously.

Furthermore, it will be necessary to take into account the camera and speaker quality, and that these are appropriate for the type of meeting room and the number of attendees. In this sense there are video conferencing hardware kits of different sizes, small, medium or large, that cover the needs of each room.

2.4. Supplementary tools available

To improve the videoconferencing experience, service provider companies are offering more and more tools. Among the most used are:

  • Share screen: This feature allows a participant to share their screen with others in the meeting. It is useful for presentations and demonstrations.
  • Meeting recording: This feature allows you to record the meeting to review later or share with those who were unable to attend.
  • Virtual meeting rooms: This feature allows participants to break into smaller groups to discuss specific topics during the meeting.
  • Surveys and questionnaires: Some video conferencing platforms offer survey and questionnaire tools to get instant feedback from participants during the meeting.
  • Integration with other productivity tools: Some video conferencing platforms integrate with other productivity tools, such as calendars, tasks, and cloud storage, making it easier for team collaboration and productivity.
  • Video filters: This feature allows participants to use video effects and filters to enhance the appearance of their video during the meeting.

2.5. Alternatives to Google Meet Hardware

If we talk about a video conferencing solution specific, Google Meet Hardware is he Google video conferencing system, made up of the app Hangouts Meet and video conferencing hardware. It is composed of Google Chromebox, a small box-shaped computer, very powerful, that can be connected to any monitor becoming a device, the speaker with noise cancellation, the high-definition camera that must be adapted to the size of the meeting room, and the Google Hangouts Meet Hardware control mechanisms.

As an alternative to the Google service this Microsoft Teams another of the most used videoconferencing systems. It is another application created by Microsoft for hybrid work that allows collaboration between teams, so that they are informed, organized and connected, all in one place. Like its competitor, Google Meet, it offers to use applications such as chat, calendar, etc.

Zoom is another video conferencing software alternative that has become very popular during the pandemic for having virtual meetings or online classes, due to its easy-to-use interface. Then the number of users using this platform decreased, although it offers various features and is available on multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. At the moment Zoom and Google Meet were integrated to improve accessibility and experience in video calls on both platforms.


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