Machine Learning: how it reduces IT workload and costs


He Machine Learning It has become one of the keys for those companies that want to lead technological change and innovation. One of the decisive factors for many to implement it is the increase of up to 35% in your performance and production. Do you want to know how machine learning reduces companies' IT workload and costs? We explain it to you in this post.


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What is Machine learning?

He Machine Learning It is a discipline of Artificial intelligence in which systems learn automatically. You may have also heard it called Machine Learning. This learning is based on an algorithm that review data and predict future actions. It is for this reason that some companies introduce it into their organization: they want to automate their processes as much as possible to be more efficient, anticipating future behaviors. Some of the most widespread uses of machine learning are:

  • Fraud detection
  • Error prediction
  • Medical diagnoses
  • Market demand forecast
  • Personalization of content based on the user
  • Image analysis
  • Forecast employee profitability


How does it help companies?

1. Reduce workload with machine learning

One of the great advantages of machine learning is that it reduces people's workload. In this way, the technology analyzes the data and predicts behaviors, so the employees They make their decisions based on these results and it allows them to be much more efficient, achieve objectives and avoid errors. Thus, employees do not waste time in long and tedious analysis processes, and take actions more reliably and quickly.

Machine learning can help reduce workload in any sector. For example, Gmail uses it for avoid spam in your users' inbox. In this case, the application is based on past events, in order to predict future ones (fraudulent or malicious emails).

In others sectors such as health, it is also very relevant to be able make medical diagnoses, thanks to the collection of symptoms and relevant data, together with the machine learning. This means that health center professionals can be more efficient and can be supported by data.

Another quite clear example is the use of chatbots, which allow customers to be served 24 hours a day, without the need for a person to be behind them.


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2. Reduce costs

One of the consequences of increasing worker efficiency is the company cost reduction. Furthermore, with machine learning costs can be reduced even further since it also allows us to predict which services or products may have the most demand, so we can find business and sales opportunities without having to spend so many resources. This can also be very useful in companies. sector of retail, since it can help in the provision and in the storage of materials/products to optimize costs.

Furthermore, as in the previous point, one of the most widespread uses that allows great savings for companies is in the case of chatbots, by being able to offer a 24/7 service without having to have a customer service team behind you. You can do this with some cloud service providers, such as Google Cloud Platform, which allows you to hire microservices and only pay for the ones you use.


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3. Improve the user experience

Added to the previous points, the machine learning It also allows improving the UX of any company or business. In this way, the system collects data on the user's usual behavior on the platform or website, and the algorithm analyzes the user to predict their behaviors and adapt to them. For example, some companies use machine learning to be able hyperpersonalize the contents and be much closer to the user.


4. Real-time control

Current digitalization is marked by the large amount of data that are collected. However, this can be a problem if there is no good system behind it that analyzes and uses them correctly. This is why the machine learning It is an excellent option for companies that want to have a real-time control of data which, in turn, believes automatic responses.


5. Process automation

Finally, as is evident, the machine learning either machine learning It allows companies something very valuable: automate processes. This influences all the points discussed above. Based on all the data collected, a response is created that allows the company to dispense with some actions. Thus, companies can generate a competitive advantage compared to its competition, since they are much more efficient.


Do you want to implement machine learning in your company?

If you are interested in implementing machine learning in your company, we as Google Official Premier Partner We can guide and advise you. You can contact us filling out this form or calling +34 634 887 870, and a specialist from our team will contact you.


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