Benefits of IoT for companies


One of the concepts that is becoming more important in the world of technology and business in recent years is the IoT. IoT. And it is inevitable to talk about it, taking into account that this idea can change our lives and the way we work. If you still don't know what is IoT and How it can affect the digitalization of a company, continue reading this article.

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What is IoT?

He IoT or the internet of things (Internet of things), is a concept that appeared in recent years and that refers to the ability to connect any device to the internet. In other words, more and more devices, such as light switches, have built-in Wi-Fi and are easily controllable by other devices, such as smartphones.

This change has influenced the way we relate to our environment on a daily basis, as it allows users to have control of any device over the network.

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Why is IoT influencing companies?

He internet of things It has not only affected people's daily lives, but also companies and their way of working. This is because by connecting these devices on networks, the company can obtain very relevant data to prevent errors, improve efficiency and automate processes.

Advantages of IoT for companies

1. Most valuable data

One thing that all companies are clear about in the current era is the importance of data, in order to know the customer better and offer a better user experience. Through the IoT, companies can obtain depth metrics, through the interaction that the user makes with the device.

2. Greater customer knowledge

In relation to the previous point, by obtaining more data about the interaction that the user makes with the device, gThanks to IoT, companies can know their customers better. Thus, they can predict possible user behaviors and anticipate them, either by improving their options or designing new functionalities.

3. Process automation

Thanks to the data obtained through the IoT, companies can anticipate user needs and so, automate many processes. This is very positive for companies, since they can reduce time and resources in tasks that, although they are important for the operation of the business, are not directly related to the company's objectives and waste workers' time.

4. New business opportunities

On the one hand, the IoT allows businesses to create new business opportunities based on the data obtained from the user's interaction with the devices. However the IoT It also allows build a much stronger relationship with clients, with less time dedicated to the commercial process.

5. Better decision making

As you already know, one of the advantages of using data is the possibility of make better decisions based on real facts and not on assumptions. This is why the fact of introducing IoT in companies and collect more data about behavior of users is also something positive for the decision making.

How to implement IoT in your company effectively?

If your company needs to implement andl IoT and improve its digitalization we can help you, like Google Premier Partner expert in business digitalization. Furthermore, you also have to keep in mind that for implement a good data strategy based on IoT, you also need to have a good method of collecting and analyzing these. This is essential to be able analyze quickly and efficiently all the data, and that no information is lost throughout the process. If you want to know more about the data strategies with Google Cloud Platform we recommend you this ebook, or you can wear in contact directly with one of our experts.

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