Google Meet vs Zoom: the real opinion of the experts


Are you looking for an application to make video calls at work or in education? Very different options have appeared in recent months and you may be wondering which one is best for your situation and needs. In other posts, we have already talked about the differences between Google Meet and Skype. Today it's time to analyze Google Meet and Zoom to see which is better.

Also, if you are looking for accessories for improve the quality of your video calls at home, we recommend that you purchase the headphones with microphone from Logitech (43.99?) and its full HD camera (89.99?) Perfect for work video calls or streaming videos.


What is Google Meet?

Google Meet (before Hangouts Meet) is the application for videoconferences of Google. This tool is part of the collaborative environment Google Workspace (formerly G Suite), which has applications such as Drive, Docs, Slides, Gmail and Calendar. This application and its entire environment is created to improve collaboration between teams from anywhere and based on the cloud. In addition, Google Meet also has devices for video calls Hangouts Meet, specialized hardware for making video calls in company rooms.


What is Zoom?

Zoom It is a dedicated service exclusively to videoconferences, which during 2020 has also gained relevance in the professional field. It is also cloud-based and has both the software and the hardware specific for business video calls.


Google Meet vs Zoom

Although both applications are very similar in terms of the objective (make video calls) and the method (cloud-based), they have significant differences that may make you change your mind when choosing one or the other.


1. Collaboration

The main difference between both applications is the collaboration level what are you offering. As already mentioned, while Zoom It is an application created specifically for making video calls, Google Meet is part of a collaborative environment called Google Workspace. This means that by hiring Workspace, you will be able to make video calls with Meet, and also benefit from the entire environment that accompanies it. This can be very interesting, in the event that your company wants to improve the efficiency and communication between teams, since Workspace offers all the applications necessary for day-to-day life (Drive, Gmail, Calendar...) closely integrated with each other.

On the other hand, if you hire Zoom This will be limited specifically to making video calls.


2. Usability

Both applications stand out for being very easy to use. Both Navigation menus are very clear and clean, so they can be used by anyone even if they have not used them previously. However, it is true that the option of being able to open the video call directly from the browser (without having to install anything) makes Google Meet more easy than Zoom. As for creating these calls, it is also very easy in both. Click the link if you want to know how to create a meeting on Google Meet.


Colaborar Google Meet vs skype


3. Security

One of the things that stands out the most Google Meet versus Zoom are the high safety standards. As you may already know, Google is known as one of the most difficult environments to hack and Workspace (G Suite) has multiple options from its Administrator Panel (Google Admin) to control any access and use of tools from the organization. Additionally, specifically, Google Meet generates its URLs for video calls randomly and through invitation in Gmail. In this way, video calls are even more secure. So if your company is concerned about its security during teleworking, Google Meet It will be the best option.


4. Access from the browser

Both applications allow access from the browser. However, in order to do it with Zoom You will have to install an extension, which can hinder access to the meeting if the user does not have it installed yet. Instead with Google Meet You will only need someone to send the invitation to all emails (even if they do not use Google) and when they receive the link they will be able to quickly access the video call.


5. Screen recording

The possibility of recording screens can be very interesting both for webinars business as well as for the realization of online classes. Although both applications allow this option, since G Suite has been renamed Workspace, this option is only available in the plans Business Standard, Business Plus and Enterprise. In this way, while with Zoom you can record it easily, with Google Meet You will have to have the right plan to be able to do it. If you need more information about the Google Workspace plans we can help you: contact us here.



Lastly, there is the option to change the background that appears in your recording. This can be very useful if you are teleworking and do not want others to see the environment you are in. If you previously used Google Meet, you may think that this option is not included with the application. However, modifying wallpapers is one of the options that has recently introduced google. Therefore, with Google Meet and Zoom Will you be able to do it.

Fondos de Google Meet


Google Meet vs Zoom: Which one should I choose?

In conclusion, although both applications are very similar, your choice will depend on the needs of your company. If you only need one application to make video calls, both options can be good and you will only have to decide based on certain criteria (the easiest application to use or the one that allows you to record video calls more easily, for example).

However, if you are clear that you need a whole environment that improves the communication and efficiency and that, furthermore, it is sure, our recommendation is that you use Google Meet. If you still have doubts or, on the contrary, you are already clear and want to hire him, you can contact contact us. As Google Premier Partner We will be able to advise you, guide you and train you to make better use of all the tools.


3 thoughts on “Google Meet vs Zoom: la opinión real de los expertos”

  1. Compared to free versions, Meet has the advantage in the duration of the video call but is reduced in tools. And taking into account the other options, I undoubtedly liked Meet more. I feel that Zoom consumes less data so the video call seems more fluid but for the cost I prefer to pay for a more complete service from Google.

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