Google for education: How to take advantage of Chromebook in your educational center


The ideal tool for students and teachers

Colleges, schools and universities promote technological change to adapt to the new collaborative tools offered Google for Education. In this article we will talk about Chromebook for school use or, what is the same, Google Chromebook for Education, and how its functionalities in education can provide students and teachers with the possibility of going further in terms of collaborative work, managing to improve academic productivity and favoring the organization of work groups.

The educational sector is preparing for a change that goes beyond the classrooms, it is to extend the work of the school, or university to the Google cloud. Through the applications of Google Workspace (old G Suite), improving the performance of group work is much easier, favoring student learning and improving the teacher's monitoring while carrying out work. A fact that improves the final result of all work.

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The rise of demand in the educational sector

The situation and the 'chaotic' end of the 2019-2020 academic year has suggested teachers, directors and facility technicians consider incorporating a new communication system between students and teachers. So, the technology Chrome OS It has already been chosen by several educational institutions, for all types of courses and training.

The increase in demand for video conferencing solutions in schools and universities has added points when evaluating the renewal of the fleet of old computers and starting to incorporate Chromebook for kids, one of the Google devices most demanded.

Why choose Chromebook and G Suite for Education for your school?

Chromebook is the solution for fast, durable laptops designed for daily use. This fast, intelligent computer that adapts to all ages and has a practical and dynamic operation that favors team collaboration, work monitoring and planning between members of the same work group; among other things. To incorporate Chromebook for schools and universities is to take a step forward in the way of organization, collaboration and efficiency. In addition to helping our students become familiar with an environment in which they can later apply in companies.

Can buy Chromebook for education in our online store as a Google Premier Partner.

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1. Chromebook in primary and secondary school

Wear Chromebook in primary and secondary school can provide many benefits in the first and middle formative steps of a student. If we focus on the Chromebooks for kids, this computer can help us introduce the little ones to a work structure that encourages group learning. In addition to the joint use of audiovisuals and tasks, it is an ideal tool for share and post daily tasks in a safe way. On the other hand, Chromebook and G Suite advocate for the relationship with parents and student monitoring, whose availability will be improved, giving the teacher the possibility of making a student monitoring through a video call with their legal guardians.

The use of Chromebook for teenagers, on the other hand, can be useful if we want to avoid distractions for our students while a lesson is being taught. class or tutorial based on a group or an individual student. On the other hand, thanks to cloud storage, Chromebook and G Suite for Education, can provide you with a structure and work platform to introduce high school students to teamwork. A fact that favors its growth, favors its continuity in studies and will have a positive impact on students who wish to continue with university or specialized training.

2. Chromebook in universities

On the other hand, the use of Chromebook for students of universities provides optimal performance in such tasks, such as collaboration between student work groups, conducting classes or tutorials through Google Meet, being able to record them and extend or send them later to students who have not been able to attend class. Furthermore, the Chromebooks for students They facilitate the work of the students, allowing them to hold work meetings more frequently, by reducing the requirement to physically travel for the majority of the members.

Furthermore, this functional environment allows us to classes whose teacher invites an expert in the subject, may be more frequent, since it will not be necessary for the specialist to travel. Likewise, you can make presentations for up to 250 participants, so it has never been easier to extend knowledge to members of the different university courses.

Google Apps for Education

Among the numerous applications that Google makes available to us, among the educational sector, those of Google Apps for Education. A package that, in addition to G Suite solutions, such as Gmail, Calendar, Sheets or Drive, has other applications for the development of functionalities and in order to get the most out of Chromebook for schools and universities. In this article, we will focus on the application Google Classroom and how it can help us promote the progress of our students.

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is an application designed for teachers and students to work together. In other words, it helps teachers and students in planning and organizing homework, improving collaboration and promoting new communication mechanisms between students. By improving productivity, we are taking a step forward in teaching.

With a School Chromebook and Google Classroom teachers can focus on doing what they do best: teach. In this way, teachers, professors and doctors distribute documents where all children can work in a way collaborative and synchronized, as well as project it on your whiteboard to encourage debates and the communication among those present. This fact allows great attention from the students, giving them the possibility of improving their opinions and thus helping their educational development and expression.

The best discounts on Chromebooks for schools and universities

At uCloudStore we want to recommend a series of Chromebooks for schools and universities manufactured and designed for students and teachers in schools, universities and educational centers. In addition to the latest models of laptops with Chrome OS technology, on our website you will find Volume offers on Chromebook bundles.

In this way, we have made a selection of Chromebook for students so that you have proof of the latest and most functional Chromebook modelsMany of them already serve as a solution to improve internal communication and collaboration between work groups of schools, institutes and universities. In the same way that many students are incorporating it into their homes in order to improve its accessibility during times of remote work.

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Implement Chromebook and G Suite in your educational center with uCloudStore

Do not wait more! Renewing the fleet of old computers is within your reach. In uCloudStore you will find the latest solutions to take your educational center to the cloud. Additionally, we can help with issues of formations for students and teachers through videos or personalized presentations. In addition, we guide you in the implementation of your School Chromebook so that renewing your fleet of computers is a quick and agile matter, in addition to helping you solve any questions that may arise, with the help of a Google Premier Partner. The best cloud storage specialists will recommend you based on the characteristics of each particular educational center.

Do you have any questions as a parent or teacher?

Still wondering how to implement Chrome devices in a learning environment? If you don't know what model Chromebook best suits your facilities and needs of your center, or how to implement G Suite to get the most out of all its tools based on collaborative work in your educational center, we will tell you in detail, you just have to send us your question at through our Contact Form.

If you have any questions about implement G Suite at your college, school or university, or do you want to know more details about how Chrome devices can help your children in their learning career, you can visit our website and inform you about the latest models in Chrome devices.

Don't hesitate any longer and start taking advantage of the advantages that Chromebook and G Suite can contribute to students, in order to enhance their concerns and improve their performance safely, while obtaining better results!

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