Data studio becomes Looker studio

Since mid-2020, many already knew the news that Google bought Data Studio for around 2.6 billion dollars. Like its predecessor, Looker Studio It is a tool which will continue to be free and which provides the opportunity to collect all the data that has been collected in the different Google tools and convert it into panels in a personalized way. (From reports and data sources, to the functions you already know if you have just used Google Data Studio).

The purchase of looker has involved a fairly high initial outlay and it is evident that from now on it has improved and will improve its functions in data analysis. This includes a big improvement, mixing the best of the two applications and some of Google's most important technologies such as the Google Cloud service.

Would you like to find out all the news about the big change of Looker Studio Pro and its free version? In this blog post we are going to talk about the different new features of Looker Studio, notable changes between apps and main features of this new collaboration.


1. What happened to Google Data Studio?

Now the company Google Data Studio, has changed to Looker Studio, and even Kate Wright (Senior Director of Google Business Intelligence Product Manager), has confirmed that "Looker will be the name we will hear when we talk about all Google Cloud intelligence products and services." 

It has not only meant a name change, but also a enterprise version called Looker Studio Pro which has other administration functionalities, team collaboration tools and even service agreements. This version offers improved management and they plan to add new features in the future. It should be noted that this version is developed for large organizations with many employees.

The company shows that it is investing in improving the analysis of data and that they intend to have a great tool that covers all the requirements of the company. In this way, pWe can say with complete certainty that Google Data Studio has not disappeared, but rather has made a great update in which we can find new functions such as:

Query data in graphs and tables with many configuration options.

Easily connect to multiple data sources.

Possibility of sharing information with your team or with the entire world.

Participation in collaborative reports with your team.

Agility in the report creation process.


2. What is Google Looker Studio?

This tool offers powerful exploration and visualization tools to tell stories with your collected data. To define Looker Studio, we must think of it as an all-in-one power adapter, which allows us to charge any device at home. Taking energy would be like collecting data. And then use this same energy to power any other device, in this case the reports that we will see at the end. 

Looker Studio connects to multiple sources, allowing you to quickly extract data from Google Ads, Analytics, Youtube, BigQuery tables, and even from a Sheets spreadsheet. When you're ready to share your findings, Looker Studio will accompany you with charts, diagrams, pivot tables, shapes, and dynamic controls to customize all your data. Additionally, you can quickly invite any participant to collaborate in real time with us, from a table to a blog post or other websites. 

Looker Studio presents a first free version, although we find the Pro version intended for the business sector.


3. Advantages of Looker Studio over Data Studio

Some of the advantages we find with Looker Studio are:

Ability to consult, analyze and work with the most reliable version of the data.

Create data experiences that give users all the tools they need, plus reduce dependence on searching for data on computers by up to 99%.

It offers a greater number of statistics to users to improve productivity, decision making and innovation. 

Reduce the abandonment rate by 7% and increase the sales value by up to 26%.


4. What are the main changes between Data and Looker?

Looker Studio, is the platform in charge of helping generate attractive reports for data visualization. Likewise, it will be the tool in charge of unify all data from our sources and perform a complete and detailed analysis of the performance of our businesses.

One of the main changes to highlight is the possibility of connect directly to Google Cloud, transforming Looker Studio into a data prediction tool through Machine Learning. Looker, does not extract data but literally integrates into the database, this is very important since what other competing tools do is extract the data and then offer this service. It even adapts to the tools that we could use to extract the information. 

For example: We connect Google Ads to Looker Studio, from Looker Studio we can get the same information, view and edit as if we were in Google Ads.

Now we know that we have at our disposal a powerful analysis tool that is completely free for our organization (Although if we are a large corporation, we recommend the Pro version, to be able to use the 100% of this tool)


5. Main features of Looker studio

Looker Studio is not just a logo change, but since the moment of purchase in 2019, they have worked to offer a better service. Among them we highlight: 

  • A simple interface
  • Report templates
  • Data Connectors
  • Looker Studio API
  • Inserting reports

One of the many possibilities that Looker Studio offers us is the data knowledge management which nowadays usually depends a lot on analysts and does so through the integration and transformation of all the necessary information, and helps to improve the availability, logic and definitions of certain parameters or KPI?s. 

Another feature is that Looker Studio is cloud-based, it is not necessary to download software or applications to the computer, but all users will always have access to the same version and will be able to connect to the applications they use on a daily basis. 


Listen to our podcast!

If you want to learn more about Looker Studio and the differences with the other versions, listen to our podcast The Google Cloud Theory!


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