10 apps for Chromebook at work


The compatibility of Chromebook with other non-Google applications, it is one of the improvements that we already announced in What is Chromebook: 8 keys to the Google laptop. This opens up a very wide range of possibilities and apps, among which we find some that are perfect for the work environment. If you are considering buy chromebook You can do it in our online shop as a Google Premier Partner. There, you can find the best models for the educational and professional field.

What applications can't be missing from your Chromebook?

1. Google Docs

Google Docs

I'm sure you already know Google Docs and its entire text and data editing and creation environment (sheets, Slides, Sites, Forms, Docs). These applications are essential in your Chromebook, since with them you can edit and create documents of any type, in a more collaborative and creative way, and working remotely and in the cloud. As you already know, if you are a G Suite customer you have access to all of them with more possibilities of security, access and control of files.

If you are not yet a G Suite customer, we recommend that you read G Suite: What it is and why to take it into account, and G Suite Basic, Business and Enterprise: Which plan to choose. They are sure to help you make a decision!

Comprar G Suite

2.Microsoft Office

One of the big questions that anyone has when they want to buy a Chrome is, what will happen if I still have to continue using Office 365 files? Don't worry! One of the advantages of all Chrome devices is that you will be able to continue using and editing these files. You will only have to have the extension Office Online, as we already explained in the post Chrome OS: ally in any situation.

Office 365 en Chromebook

3. Slack

If what you want is an app for Chromebook that allows you communicate with your team, without having to send more messages to email, Slack is one of your best options. With its use, you can have all your organized conversations creating channels, later consult all the histories of conversations and shared files, work with external partners and integrate this application with others. If you want to get the application, enter here.

Slack para Chromebook

4. Keep

One of the Chromebook applications that Google introduces with the most improvements is Keep. This application is neither more nor less than a notes and lists blog very intuitive and with all kinds of possibilities. You can save all your ideas, organize some of your pending tasks, engrave reminders and transcribe them automatically, save notes with pictures of receipts or documents and share everything easily. Furthermore, it has its chrome extension so, in addition to always having your notes at hand, you can automatically save the link of the page you are on when you click on the extension icon.

If you haven't tried it yet, don't wait any longer!

Keep en Chromebook

5.Adobe Android Suite

Another of the most requested applications for Chromebooks is the Adobe creative pack. Well with Chrome you can also access them, thanks to your Android version. As you may already know, Chromebooks are compatible with Android applications which you can find on Google Play. Although it is a version with fewer possibilities than the Adobe Creative Cloud that you are used to, it will get you out of more than one if you want edit or generate images. You can find them in the Google Play store.

If you want an alternative to Adobe, we recommend that you also try Lucidpress, an application that allows you to create all types of documents and content.

Android Suite

6. Google Drive

When we talk about cloud file storage, we are clear: Google Drive. This well-known Google application allows you to store all your files in the cloud, share them with your team or any external members you want, and create equipment units. Furthermore, with G Suite you will have a space between 30 GB and unlimited (depending on the plan and the number of users you have).

With this application for Chromebook, you will see that it is not necessary to have a lot of internal storage space on your device to be able to save countless files.

Google Drive en Chromebook

7. Google Calendar

We have already talked about Calendar before. As you already know, it is the Google calendar. Stands out for being intuitive, collaborative and easy to link with other applications and utilities like Asana. Furthermore, you can also synchronize it with your meetings, so with its use your agenda can be perfectly organized.

Calendar Chromebook


It's about a teamwork space, in which you can organize and order all tasks of your business projects. It stands out for being very intuitive and having the possibility of organizing your tasks based on some criteria. Additionally, you can assign them to any member of your team and set deadlines. As we said before, you can Synchronize it with Calendar. Thus, all your tasks Asana They may appear in your agenda.

It also has its extension for chrome.

Asana en Chromebook

9. Cloud9

If what you want is a tool code development and editor, Cloud9 It is a good option for your Chromebook. It is a online platform for the development of applications with the most popular programming languages: JavaScript, Python and PHP, among others. If you want its extension for Chrome, you can find it at Chrome Web Store.

Cloud 9 en Chromebook

10. Gmail

Last but not least, there is the famous Gmail. It is one of the most essential in your work. He google email It is one of the most intuitive and used, both in the private and professional spheres. Remember that along with your G Suite plan, you can also have your own professional domain (hello@company.com). Surely you already knew it, but if you haven't used it at work yet, you're taking too long!Entorno de Gmail

Do you already have your Chromebook apps?

After reading this post, surely you will already know which applications Chromebook you need at work. If, on the other hand, you wanted more information about the applications of Chromebook, get in touch with UcloudStore Through our contact form on our website. If you want more information, you can also read the article What is Chromebook: 8 keys to the Google laptop.

Comprar Chromebook



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