Tips to improve your productivity while working remotely


During the last few years, we have seen and put into practice remote working, which today is something basic and essential for many companies in the sector. Thanks to new technologies, such as video conferencing tools, there is a great improvement and increase in remote work productivity, whether working alone or in a team. 

That is why we have large companies like Google and its platform Google Meet, among those that stand out the most on the market. A tool of video conference It is something basic for all companies, since it helps to always be connected and encourage communication between teams. And furthermore, they adapt to be able to work from anywhere.


1. Which videoconferencing platform to choose with teleworking?

There are many video conferencing platforms available on the market, so it can be difficult to choose the best one for teleworking. The most popular options and at the same time the great titans of the industry are:

Google Meet: Part of Google's suite of tools, it is easy to use and allows you to join meetings from any device. Plus, it doesn't require an additional software download.

  Microsoft Teams: This platform is ideal if you are already using other Microsoft tools, such as Office 365. It allows you to share files and collaborate in real time.

The choice of platform will depend on your personal needs and preferences. It's important to consider things like security, the platform's ability to integrate with other tools you use, and ease of use for you and your colleagues. It is also advisable to try some of these platforms to decide which one best suits your needs.


2. Ethics and work dynamics for the success of your videoconferences

To have success in your video conferences, it is important to take into account both ethical aspects and work dynamics. Some recommendations are:

  • Respect schedules and punctuality: It is important that all participants arrive on time and that the scheduled duration of the meeting is respected.
  • Prepare the meeting in advance: Sending the agenda and topics to be discussed in advance will allow all participants to adequately prepare for the meeting.
  • Respect the rules of etiquette: keep the microphone on mute when not speaking, do not interrupt other participants and maintain a respectful attitude at all times.
  • Avoid distractions: Make sure you have a quiet place without interruptions to participate in the video conference, and avoid the use of mobile devices or other elements that may be distracting.
  • Maintain privacy: Ensure that information shared in the meeting is confidential and not disclosed outside the context of the meeting.
  • Make sure you have a good internet connection: A stable and fast connection is key to ensuring good video and audio quality during the video conference.
  • Respect roles and responsibilities: Make sure that all participants are clear about their role and responsibility in the meeting and work together to achieve the objectives set.

Following these recommendations, effective and ethical work dynamics can be established in videoconferences, which will allow the stated objectives to be achieved and strengthen labor relations.


3. How to have a good online work meeting?

To have a good online work meeting, it is important to follow the following steps:

Prepare the meeting in advance: Sending the agenda and topics to be discussed in advance will allow all participants to adequately prepare for the meeting.

Set a suitable time and duration: Ensure that the time and duration of the meeting are appropriate for all participants.

Establish roles and responsibilities: Make sure all participants are clear about their role and responsibility in the meeting.

Establish standards of conduct: Establish rules of conduct during the meeting, such as keeping the microphone on mute when not speaking, not interrupting other participants, and maintaining a respectful attitude at all times.

Present the agenda and topics to be discussed: Present the agenda and topics to be discussed clearly, allowing participants to ask questions and express their opinions.

Facilitate discussion: allow all participants to express their opinions and facilitate the discussion, ensuring that the allotted times are respected.

Take notes: Taking notes during the meeting will allow key points and agreements reached to be recorded.

End the meeting with a summary and agreements: At the end of the meeting, summarize the key points and agreements reached, ensuring that all participants agree.

By following these steps, you can perform effective and productive online work meetings, which allow us to strengthen labor relations and achieve the stated objectives.


4. How to maintain productivity working from home?

Working from home can be a very rewarding experience, but it also presents challenges in maintaining productivity. Here are some tips to help you stay productive while working from home:

  • Set a schedule: It is important to establish a work schedule and stick to it. This will help create a routine and establish clear boundaries between work time and personal time.
  • Create a dedicated workspace: It is important to have a dedicated space to work that is clean, organized and free of distractions. This can help you stay focused and productive.
  • Set daily and weekly goals: It's important to set realistic, measurable goals for each day and week, and work toward them.
  • Take regular breaks: It is important to take regular breaks to avoid fatigue and maintain concentration. Make sure to schedule short breaks and stretches.
  • Avoid distractions: Avoid distractions like social media, television, and other non-work-related tasks.
  • Exercise regularly: Exercising regularly can help reduce stress and increase energy. Take time to exercise regularly to stay productive.
  • Disconnect at the end of the day: At the end of the day, it is important to disconnect and separate work from personal life, since since we work from home, we often cannot differentiate the beginning and the end of the day. This can help maintain good mental health and prevent burnout.


5. What factors are needed for remote work to be successful?

For remote work to be successful, several key factors are needed:

Suitable technology: It is necessary to have the right technology, including hardware, software and communication tools, to be able to work remotely effectively.

Effective communication: It is important to have effective communication between team members to be able to work in a coordinated manner. This includes having clear and frequent communication and using online collaboration tools.

Flexibility: Flexibility is key to working remotely. This includes being able to adapt to different schedules and personal situations and work independently to meet established goals.

Establishing clear goals: It is important to set clear goals and objectives for the team and for individual members to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal.

Self-management: Remote workers must be able to manage their time and be accountable for their tasks and goals without the direct supervision of a supervisor or manager.

Strong team culture: It's important to foster a strong team culture, even if members are working remotely. This can include regular online meetings and social events to foster camaraderie and collaboration.

Company support: The company must provide support to remote workers, including appropriate technology, training and professional development, and a healthy work environment.

By ensuring these factors are met, remote work can be successful and benefit both employees and the company.


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