New technologies in the classroom

tecnología en el aula

The new technologies are increasingly important for the development of education, and educational institutions they are incorporating technology in the classroom to improve the teaching process. Education is evolving more rapidly than in any other period and access to technological resources has become a right for all students. 

Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, digital whiteboards and the possibility of having a internet connected device They are key resources that offer more innovative, interactive and collaborative learning.


How to integrate technology in the classroom?

According to a report by Google Regarding emerging technologies, 58% of teachers in Spain affirm that communication with parents and students has become much more fluid thanks to the use of technologies, and 53 % maintain that these have a positive effect on student motivation.

At the same time, 76% of teachers in Mexico believe that autonomous learning is one of the greatest advantages of using technology in the classroom.

These figures show that the technology in the classroom It has to be available to everyone to best prepare students for their future as professionals. At the moment, Schools around the world are updating teacher-student systems to give students autonomy over their education and educational environments.

Google Cloud, as one of the largest technology companies in the world, offers many alternatives to improve the teaching process. For example, Google for Education is Google's set of tools, devices and cloud technology, designed to make classes more flexible, agile and secure. These technological resources form a virtual learning environment and work together so that each student and educator can develop their personal potential.


Advantages and disadvantages of technology in the classroom

Among the main advantages of incorporating technology in the classroom we can highlight:

Teaching improvements

Increased productivity of students and teachers

Greater collaboration and communication

Work optimization 

Security and data protection of your educational center 

Autonomous Learning

Design of the latest teaching materials

Easy access to more and better information

Although the disadvantages are becoming fewer and fewer and there are more and more resources to solve the problems that may arise, some problems that we can encounter are:

Social inequalities in access to technology

Dependence on electronic devices

Access to erroneous or unsuitable information for students


Incorporate Chromebook into your educational center


tecnología en el aula


Chromebooks are laptops created by Google that make work and education easier. They are easy to use, agile, secure and include all the tools to improve collaboration between people. They contain the operating system Google ChromeOS, focusing on web applications and cloud storage, with Google services.

These Google Chromebook devices stand out for being simple, powerful, secure and economical. They do not require configuration or long loading times, and they allow you to work from anywhere since just by turning on the computer you can continue working from where you were. In addition, it is integrated with Google for education tools such as Google Classroom, Drive, Docs, Gmail, Calendar that allow improving communication and protecting the information of students and teachers. 

tecnología en el aulaGoogle Classroom: It is a tool within G Suite for Education that helps educators easily create, classify and collect tasks. It allows collaboration and communication between teachers and students through the use of integrated grading functions.

tecnología en el aulaGmail:  It is the email that Google offers to improve communication between students, teachers and parents at the educational center. 

tecnología en el aulaGoogle Drive and Docs: With Google Drive and the applications for editing documents (Docs, Sheets, Slides) you can improve collaboration between students and thus store and edit files in real time.

Google Meet: This video calling system allows schools to carry out tutorials with students and/or live or recorded online classes.


Objectives and benefits of using the Chromebook in the classroom

As we have already seen, Chromebook computers are key to improving the teaching process, for problem solving, and also beneficial for enriching the content provided by the educational center. Internet-connected devices are optimized for video conferencing, programming and content creation, all through an always-on connection via built-in mobile broadband.

So, what are the main benefits of a Chromebook?

  • Cloud storage: Thanks to cloud storage, all students can work live and collaboratively, ensuring that all tasks will be saved in the Google cloud. 
  • Long duration battery: Chromebooks allow you to study and do your homework for up to 10 hours in a row, without the need to connect it to the power. 
  • Maximum security: The ChromeOS operating system and its built-in security make the Chromebook ideal for protecting yourself from malware and cyberattacks. 
  • Automatic Updates: Updates are automatic and in the background, and thanks to these functions, your devices will always be up to date and will save you wasted time. 
  • Google Workspace apps: With Google Workspace applications (Calendar, Drive, Meet, Docs, Sheets, etc.) it is possible to have all the tools to make the experience when studying and collaborating between students much more efficient.


Why include technology in education?

Education is one of the fundamental pillars for the development of a society, and that is why it is extremely important to dedicate the time and tools necessary to provide the best to students. Families and educators are increasingly convinced that current curricula must evolve to match the reality and professions of the future. Beyond tools and technologies, students must develop new skills to solve difficult problems, collaborate effectively, and find new ways to express their ideas.

This and the following emerging trends in education are why it is considered so important to include new technologies in education at all levels.



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