How to cancel Google Cloud Platform

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Google Cloud Platform is the Google cloud infrastructure. As you already know, Google has high security and data protection standards, so if you want cancel Google Cloud Platform or delete data from Google Cloud Platform, the process will be easy and secure. If, on the other hand, you have doubts about whether to cancel or not and need help, in uCloudStore (Google Premier Partner) We can help you, advise you and improve the use of GCP. Can contact us here.


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Before canceling Google Cloud Platform

1. What do you want to cancel and why?

Before Cancel Google Cloud Platform and delete the data you had until now, you should consider What do you want to cancel and why?. This will be necessary to know to make the request, since different processes are followed depending on whether you only want delete resources, projects or the entire account of Google.

In addition, you will also have to be clear about the reasons for the withdrawal, since you will lose a lot of data that may be relevant for your organization. It is possible that the reasons for your withdrawal from GCP come from a lack of understanding of the platform or the need for better service. That is why, if you are still not clear, you can contact contact us, since as Google Premier Partner we can create synergies that help you make a smarter use of GCP.


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2. How long does it take for data to be deleted from Google Cloud Platform?

The process of deleting GCP data is easy and secure. Depending on the data storage configuration, deletion of data from the application and storage layers may occur immediately.

Typically, data is deleted from active systems within a few two months from the request of elimination. Deleting data from Google backups occurs approximately 6 months later.


Cancel Google Cloud Platform: how to do it

Proceso para cancelar Google Cloud Platform

1. Create the request to cancel Google Cloud Platform

The first thing you will have to do is create the request to Google to Cancel Google Cloud Platform. You can do it directly with them, or if you prefer we can help you if you require it. To do this you must know if you want to delete:

  • Resources- In this case you may want to delete storage segments from Cloud Storage. This can also be done from the Cloud console or through APIs.
  • Projects: in the event that you have a project under your ownership Google Cloud Platform, you can delete it. To do this you will need to have the corresponding project number.
  • Accounts: If what you want is to delete your entire account, remember that all projects that are only your property will also be deleted. In the event that there are more owners, the projects will not be deleted unless all accounts are also deregistered.


2. Non-final removal of GCP

Once the deletion request has been made, Google gives a margin time for cases in which the request has been made in error or accidentally. This period depends on what has been requested to be deleted. Once the margin period has passed, Google Cloud Platform begins the logical removal of all resources. For example, in the event that a Google account is closed, the logical deletion does not begin until after the 30 days.


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3. Logical deletion of data

Once this margin period has passed, GCP performs logical deletion of all the data. It can be done in two ways:

  • In GCP storage, database and Big Data services (less Cloud Storage): Copies of the data become “available storage” and are overwritten over time.
  • In Google Cloud Storage: data is deleted using cryptographic erasure.


4. Backup systems

The systems Backups They are created to store data for a long, static period of time, so that the company can deal with any failure. This is why restoring a complete system from backups can be a slower and more resource-intensive process. If you want to know more about this, don't hesitate to contact us.


Do you want more information before canceling Google Cloud Platform?

If you are still not sure whether to cancel Google Cloud Platform, or on the contrary you need more advice to do it Do not hesitate to contact us. As Google Premier Partner we can offer you a close and personalized advice, to resolve all your doubts and help you improve the implementation of Google services.


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