Google environment: this is what the workers of the future will be like

Jóvenes usando Chromebooks, el ordenador portátil de Google

The development of ICT is causing many changes in all environments. In the workplace they are already being noticed, with digitalization and the need for more flexibility. However, the future of business is in schools. This is why to know what we will encounter in a few years it is necessary to understand what is happening in colleges and universities, and how Google is gaining a place in them.

Google in the academic environment

In recent years Google has earned a place in academic institutions around the world. More and more schools and universities are integrating their tools, devices and philosophy into the classrooms. This means that, in the future, These workers will have a deep understanding of the Google environment, so they will also expect to encounter it at work.. If you are interested in the topic, you can go to the website Google for Education.

Niños en la escuela usando Google Chromebooks

1. Google Tools

One of the acquisitions that many academic institutions are incorporating is G Suite. This means many things: on the one hand, the habitual use of mail electronic Gmail, both for academic use (with the domain of the institution) and for personal use. In this sense, many of today's young people no longer consider creating an email outside of Gmail, since they are completely adapted to it.

On the other hand, the mastery of all the tools it incorporates, how is Google Docs, Slides or Sheets. Thus, they know perfectly how to use them, in addition to acquiring the need to work collaboratively. This is one of the most significant changes of this generation, which already does not work with document versions and is limited to working remotely on the same version, adding comments, modifications or suggestions to the same worksheet.

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2. Remote work and video calls

Although this type of work is already present in many businesses, it is important to understand that for many of the future employees will be a necessity.

Currently, educational centers are increasingly betting on enhance teamwork and collaboration. However, many students are increasingly choosing to work remotely and hold team meetings via video calling software. This includes Google Hangouts, since it is in their G Suite application package provided by their school.

For this reason, it is essential that businesses incorporate video calling tools and devices.

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3. Chrome devices

Finally, one of the elements Google that is currently making a splash are Chrome devices. Among them, stand out the Chromebooks.

These laptops have an operating system Chrome OS and are fully prepared to collaborative work in the cloud. On the one hand, there are Chromebook devices totally designed for the related to school (more robust, resistant...). But, on the other hand, there is a range of Chromebooks focused mainly on professionally, with a more elegant and lighter design, but with the same essence as the first.

The increase in its presence among future professionals can mean a big change in the way they use computers: They will be used to using online applications, without having to download and install applications, or update devices.

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The future comes from the hand of Google

It is evident that, if schools and universities are betting on Google, future professionals will demand to continue using their tools and devices. This also influences future businesses: more and more startups have been using Google since their inception. Do you want to take the step? We help you!.

If you want more information, Do not hesitate to contact us.



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