Video calling apps: Google Meet vs Zoom vs Skype


Do you have questions about which is the best video conferencing system for your company, educational center or institution?

In this article we show you the difference between current tools for making video calls: Google Meet, Zoom and skype

The advantages are multiple! These applications allow you to make a video call with another person outside your institution and even hold work meetings or tutorials. They are all compatible with computer, tablet and mobile, so you will have no problems using them wherever you are.


What are Google Meet, Zoom and Skype?

Google Meet It is an application from the Application Suite Google Workspace which allows the very easy and simple realization of video calls, meetings or presentations through our camera. 

So it refers to Zoom, the functions are very similar and their use is very similar to that of Google Meet. Both applications allow us to connect through videoconferences with hundreds of people in the same video call. This fact makes them the most professional solution for companies, educational centers and institutions.


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On the other hand we have skype, that in the same way as Google Meet and Zoom, allows us to make calls with audio and video, but its interface and operation make it one of the most used applications in video calls between users.


Aspects to take into account in your company, educational center or institution

1. Ability to share screen

So much Google Meet, Zoom and skype They allow us to share our screen. supports a wide range of files. 

Surely in one of our meetings or tutorials via video call we will need show screen to our work group or assistants. A very useful function focused on improving the collaborative work.

2. Activate foreign language subtitles

Google Meet and skype They are essential if we also need to have a video calling system prepared to make video calls with foreign language participants. 

Unlike Zoom, Google Meet and skype They have voice control that detects the interlocutor's words and displays them on our screen with subtitles. The translator feature is more functional and accessible in Meet, facts that make it the ideal solution for companies and institutions.

3. Recording of our video calls

Once again, the three applications coincide in an essential function for our meetings, events, conferences and online presentations: record the video conference.

This fact is particularly useful if we focus on the environment of company and to education sector. Being able to record all the content of our video calls allows attendees or, in the educational case, students - who have not been able to participate in the event - to participate, the opportunity to see it, as if they were attendees.

4. Information security

We can say in general terms that Google Meet is the optimal tool in terms of security for our data, since in ZoomFor example, through a URL a user could be filtered in a meeting. In Google Meet the URLs are generated randomly, and the participants are managed in Drive and Calendar, which makes them more protected addresses.

On the other hand, according to a study by the US National Security Agency (NSA) carried out in May 2020, I concluded that Zoom and skype They were applications that do not guarantee the safe deletion of user data.

5. Innovation

One of the aspects in which Google Meet stands out above other applications is its ability to innovate and adapt easily to new needs. In this case, due to the increase in the use of video calls to make telecommuting or do online classes, Google Meet has been introducing improvements based on the teacher requirements and other features such as the possibility of making surveys.

6. Accessibility

As for the way to access, without a doubt Google Meet and Zoom are the favorable options, since we can allow access to the meeting with a simple link.

In addition, both applications can be integrated into both Gmail and Google Claendar in order to have more effective management of all our events. With Google Meet and Zoom add participants to a meeting It becomes a simple fact.


Have you decided between implementing Google Meet, Zoom or Skype in your organization?

If you already know which one you want, you will only have to register your user. If the option that best suits you is Google Meet, we can advise and resolve any doubt to provide your business, educational center or institution with the best tools and devices for carrying out video calls in the most agile and dynamic way, and with training for all levels of users.

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