Alternatives to Microsoft Azure

alternativa azure

Currently, both Google with ?Google Cloud Platform? as Microsoft with ?Azure?, provide various cloud solutions. In both cases these solutions are focused on diverse audiences, whether small or large organizations.

among the best alternatives to microsoft azure, Google Cloud Platform is found as the main competitor, and tBoth one and the other we can find guides and documentation for the various situations that may arise.

The strongest point of Google is the Easy to use that the platform provides thanks to its friendly UI, which allows not only technicians to be the ones who can deploy the different applications. From the comfort of the interface we can, for example, create a virtual machine in a few steps and assign the configurations we need, CPU, RAM, disks, etc. We can also create buckets in Cloud Storage in just 2 clicks, to be able to store all our files.

The notable thing is that what was mentioned above and the vast majority of tools have this benefit but we can also do it through the CLI, giving the possibility of having the commands ready to execute and make these routine tasks faster.

As if that were not enough, Google offers us, simultaneously with the console integrated into the browser, a code editor, where we can navigate between the files that we have in our GCP user, and modify their content in an interface very similar to VSCode .

Starting from storage to data processing, computing services to the management of networks in the cloud, both offer specific modules for each point, each with its respective module, in this case Google once again stands out for its great versatility and integration capacity, whether with its own or third-party tools.


1. What is Microsoft Azure?

Microsoft Azure It is a platform Microsoft public cloud which offers a wide range of computing, storage, analytics and networking services. Azure services can be used to build and run web, mobile, desktop, and IoT applications.

Azure works by using a global data center network. Azure data centers are located around the world, allowing users to access their data and applications from anywhere.

Some of the advantages of having Microsoft Azure are:

  • Flexibility- Azure allows businesses to quickly and easily scale their resources as needed.
  • Efficiency: It can help businesses reduce their IT costs.
  • Security: It also offers a wide range of security features to protect business data and applications.
  • Innovation: Microsoft's public cloud offers businesses access to the latest technologies.


2. Comparison Google Cloud platform vs Azure

As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, both providers offer cloud solutions for different problems or needs. In the following table we will show some of the alternatives to Microsoft Azure that GCP offers.


Solution Microsoft Azure Google Cloud Platform
File storage Blob Storage Cloud Storage
Virtual machines Virtual Machines Compute Engine
Container Orchestrator Kubernetes Service Kubernetes Engine
Function as a Service functions Cloud Functions
Load Balancing Load Balancer Load Balancing
SQL Databases Synapse BigQuery
Analysis and visualization Databricks Cloud Dataflow
Containers Container Instances Cloud Run


In a macro view in both cases we can find various solutions among which we highlight:

Virtual Machines

Assemble micro services in containers

Kubernetes for cluster orchestras

Storing structured and unstructured data

ETL processes

Monitoring of the tools used

Security services

Load Balancer

User and permission management

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Control all the changes that happen through Logs


3. 24×7 Support

So much Azure as GCP they have a Service medium. From the documentation that allows you to have an in-depth understanding of the different tools, to explanatory videos and test laboratories.

There is also teams specialized in different solutions, capable of accompanying from the moment the problem to be solved arises, through architecture planning, concept testing, to implementation.

In conjunction with this, they also have the option of providing training for the correct use of the platform, deployment of tools and maintenance.


4. GCP advantages over Azure

Among the advantages that we find in Google cloud we highlight:

Pricing: Google charges not only for the active service, but for the consumption generated by that service. It also allows you to control expenses on a daily basis both at the project level and in a granular way, thus seeing the consumption for each module in use.
This together with the next point makes GCP the best option.

Auto-scaling: Many of the tools that we can deploy require a VM, among the configurations that may exist, Google offers the ability to increase or decrease these resources in relation to the computing need.

UI/UX: The GCP interface is intuitive, easy to use and allows a wide variety of configurations without the need for a high technical level.
Although specialists will be needed for more advanced or large-scale solutions, for small projects or tests it will be fine to only have basic knowledge.

Documentation and learning: Both written and video documentation is available for each of their tools.
It also has Quick Labs, a platform where there are free courses for the different solutions, which in turn allow you to prepare for the different GCP certifications.

Security: Google does not differentiate between large and small clients when it comes to protecting information.
Regardless of consumption or if it is a small project, it will always be under the greatest of care.


5. Conclusions

All Cloud companies They are constantly working on creating innovative technologies and thus provide new and better functions, so it is common to see that they generate new solutions, and with this the competition in turn ends up developing their own tool focused on the same type of solution.

Microsoft Azure is focused on solutions to enterprise level, taking advantage of its Office suite and the immense amount of market it has thanks to this.

However, Google has an answer to this with his suite of cloud-based tools. This, added to its great capacity for integration between its tools and third parties, makes it position itself stronger every day as one of the world leaders as a cloud solutions provider.


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