Are you thinking about renewing your company's devices? Are you considering taking the leap with technology? Chrome OS? Then you already know that laptops Chromebook They are the ideal solution to carry out all types of collaborative work in the cloud. At uCloudStore, we want to explain to you all the advantages that these have. Chrome devices so that both your organization and your employees get the most out of this fantastic management tool. collaborative work. If, on the other hand, you still don't know why you should purchase Chromebook in your company, we recommend that you read the article What is Chromebook: 8 keys to the Google laptop, that we have developed for you.
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10 features to get the most out of your Chromebook
At uCloudStore we want your work environment to take advantage of all the advantages offered by Chromebooks. In this way, we have prepared this article with the most outstanding functions of Chromebook, so you can increase your company's profits and increase the productivity of your employees. Below we detail the reasons why these devices Chrome OS are the hardware Perfect for improving work performance in your institution:
1. How to configure Chromebook offline mode
The Chromebook computers They have the fantastic option of work offline, a fact that allows your employees to be able to perform their tasks and follow the work in any location away from the office, regardless of whether the user has a WIFI access point or Internet connection.
Steps to activate this fantastic option we only have to:
- Make sure that we are connected to the internet
- Open Google Docs
- Open the menu and select Setting
- Activate the option «Without connection". Then, you just have to click on Accept
- The documents that are in Google Drive They will now be ready for the user to edit offline. The files will be updated once the user is back. online.
2. How to see your email from offline mode
Along the same lines as the previous tip, another trick that you can use in your Chromebook If you know that you have to open your inbox without Internet, it is to configure Gmail for offline use. To do this you only have to:
- Get in in Gmail (while we are connected to the Internet).
- Gonna setting
- In section "Without connection» click on «Enable offline mail«
- Save the changes.
3. How to work on files offline
If we do not have an Internet connection and we want to work or modify our documents without having a WIFI point, Chromebook from Google allows your employees to continue with their work thanks to its mode of remote work, which make it the hardware ideal for issues of telecommuting. To be able to proceed to edit documents and files offline, it is as simple as:
- Open Google Drive
- To locate in you Drive the document you want to work with, and do double click.
- The changes made will be synchronized the moment you are back online.
4. How to edit Microsoft Office files
The Chrome OS devices They work in the cloud, but are just as compatible with most documents as conventional computers. In addition to having Google's own applications, it also allows us to modify traditional application files, as in the case of Microsoft Office. To edit or open Office files:
- Go to the Files app, locate the Microsoft Office file you want to modify
- You just have to open the file, and start editing.
- The technology Chrome OS will allow us a auto save of the document, in order to speed up the tasks of our team.
- Finally, when we are done with the editing, we can save the file keeping the Microsoft Word format or convert it into a google doc.
5. How to transfer files to Chromebook
Information security and agility in data transmission It is essential to improve the performance of our company's tasks. To do this, Chromebooks allow us a senzillo and fast file hosting, whatever the Operating System of our traditional computers. In the event that we have a PC or Mac:
- Go to Google Drive:
- Sign in with the same address you use to start your Chromebook
- Click on New.
- Then, you just have to select the option «Upload folder«.
- Locate and select all those files that you want to upload to the drive Drive.
- Your employees will only have to access My unit from his Chromebook, where you will quickly find all the saved documents.
6. How to see all key combinations
Save time executing tasks It is a significant fact for improving the productivity of our team. In this way, if we have key combinations that allow us to immediately open all the functions of our computer, we will save a lot of work time. Chromebook has thousands! Discover them as follows:
- Press Ctr + Alt + ? on your keyboard
- Then the overview will open with all the key combinations available for executing tasks.
- Write the key combination what you are looking for and will appear on the screen.
7. How to search for any content
Quickly locate information or content allows us to improve productivity in our work, since we do not need to remember the origin of all the files. Furthermore, the Chromebook devices They allow us to find applications, files and web elements in an agile, simple and intuitive way. To search for content, you just have to follow the instructions detailed below:
- Press Look for, and then the Search bar
- Use the seeker to find files, applications and any content on the Internet.
8. How to open and edit photos on Chromebook
One of the questions that business users ask the most is whether they can open and edit photos on a Chromebook. Well, not only that, but you can capture an image and improve it immediately in an agile and functional way thanks to the possibilities that the devices offer us. Chrome OS. Take the following steps to edit photos like a pro:
- In it Selector, start the application Google Photos.
- We choose a photo.
- Click on the icon Edit, which is located in the center of the screen.
- Make adjustments.
- In order to save the changes, you will only have to do click in Ready.
9. How to switch from one page to another
Chromebook It is a dynamic tool that allows us to change screens very easily, just by sliding our fingers left and right. This will save a lot of time in the change of interface of our navigation. Next, we explain how to change from one screen to another by touch, a process that will save us a lot of execution time in the long run.
- Open the browser.
- With the fingers, slide your fingers to the left in it Touch panel for back on a page in the browser.
- To move forward, you just have to slide your fingers on the touch screen to the right.
10. How to take partial screenshots
For the purpose of expand information through images and favor dynamic sending of reports, tables and graphs, these Chrome devices have the option to take full and partial screenshots, that is, selecting exclusively the part of the screen that we want to capture to show. To capture an image, we just have to:
- You just have to press Ctrl + Capital letter + Show windows on the keyboard.
- Next, you must select the crop area option, located in the lower center margin
- Drag the cursor over the part of the photo you are interested in capturing.
- Click on Ready and you will only have to save the new image.
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Still have doubts about the advantages that Chromebook offers?
Now that it is clear to you how Chromebook can help boost your business, you can access our website and acquire the latest models of this fantastic tool that Ucloudstore puts at your disposal:
On the other hand, if you want to know closely which model Chromebook you must incorporate based on the characteristics of your company and sector, you can contact UCloudstore directly through our contact form, or by calling our customer service number directly: 634.887.870, where our experts in IT solutions will recommend the appropriate tool and advise you to carry out the implementation in your company in a practical, agile and functional way.