Google Meet vs Skype: You will understand why everyone uses Google

Comparativa entre Google Meet y Skype

In recent years, business dynamics have changed a lot. The trend is that workers increasingly need a flexible environment flexible and accessible from anywhere in the world.

It is for this reason that the videoconferences and remote work are increasingly necessary. And, to do this, you need good software (and hardware, although we already talked about it in the post Hangouts meet: what it is and what hardware it includes) that you Allow you to communicate with your team quickly and easily. If you are debating between Google Meet or Skype janThis post we will help you decide which is the best option for your company.


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Differences between Google Meet and Skype for Business

1. Installation of the app

One of the main differences between Google Meet and Skype for Business It is the need to install the software on your Chrome device. If you have a Chrome device, Google Meet is already included, hence no need to install anything. On the other hand, a large part of Android smartphones also have this application by default. Instead, Skype requires installation on Chrome devices, although it does not require much effort since you can find it in the Chrome Web Store.



2. Synchronization with your calendar and multiple forms of access

On the other hand, it is important to highlight that with Google Meet you can access the video calls from multiple ways. On the one hand, you can sync your G Suite data and calendars. This allows you create events in Google Calendar and send the invitations by Gmail. This way, anyone who accepts your invitation can access them directly from them with a single click. Furthermore, if you have meeting devices, as Hangouts Meet Hardware, you can also access directly from these. Other forms of access are access codes of the meetings, third party video conferencing systems, he telephone dialing or hedirect access from the Video call URL.

Instead, Skype for Business It only allows you to access it from an event or email, direct dialing from a phone or URL.

Imagen de la Sincronización Calendar y Google Meet Hangouts

3. Screen Sharing

So much Google Meet as skype They have the possibility of sharing the desktop or screen. This can be very useful during your meetings, since you can share and comment live on your presentations. However, from Google Meet can be a lot easier and with a higher quality than with Skype for Business. 

Colaborar Google Meet vs skype

4. Recording video calls and live broadcast

Google Meet (with the Enterprise plan) goes one step further and gives you the option to record your video calls. This can be very useful for your business if you want to record your presentations and then Show them to your team members.

You can also take advantage of video calls to record and store training material. If you want to know more about this possibility or how to do it, you can read our post in which we explain how to use Google Meet.

Also, if you want broadcast these video conferences and live events on YouTube, with Google Meet you can do it too. For more information about this process, click click here.

Remember that since the update to Google Workspace in October 2020, the possibility of Recording meetings is included from the Business Standard license.

Imagen de Grabar la reunion

5. Usability of the app

If you are already a regular Google user, you will know that one of its main objectives is to make everyday work more easy. In this case, the application of Google Meet has a better user experience and is much more simple to use. Therefore, for a user who has never used it or is unfamiliar with video conferencing software, the process of adapting to it can be much faster.


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Google Meet vs Skype, which one do you prefer?

As we have already said, both applications are fully compatible with our devices. However, if what you want is to have ease and comfort To access your video conferences, our recommendation is that you stay with Google Meet. If you are already a G Suite user (now Workspace), it will be more comfortable and useful for you to use Google Meet. If not, but you are thinking of using Google Meet, it will be good for you to read this post about G Suite plans.

Are you determined? you can purchase one of our G Suite plans (now Workspace) on our website or, if you want to go one step further, you can get one of our video conferencing devices. If you still have questions about which device to incorporate into your company, you can contact uCloudStore thanks to Contact Form which you will find on the website or by calling the phone +34 634 88 78 70. Our expert professionals in the field of videoconferencing devices will advise you based on the size of your company and the needs of your sector.


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