How to create a group calendar in Google Calendar


Have a good Internal organization is essential to be able to be more efficient and increase performance. Especially during teamwork, in which it is very important that all members know exactly what has to be done and by when. This is why today we will explain to you how to create a group calendar in Google Calendar to improve both the organization of team projects and efficiency in scenarios such as teleworking.

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Who can create group calendars in Google Calendar?

Google Calendar is a Google application that is included in both the free version of Gmail and the Gmail for Business (G Suite). However, some Advanced Options like this, can only be found in G Suite. In the event that you want to create a calendar for a closed group in your organization, you will need to be the account manager G Suite.

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Steps to create a group calendar in Google Calendar

1. Create the group

If what you want is to create a calendar for certain members of your team, and not for the entire organization, you will first have to create a Google Group. To create a group you can do it in different ways: from the admin console or from the Google Groups app.

Option 1: Admin Console (G Suite administrators only)

  1. Enter the Administration Console. Remember that if you are not the administrator or do not have access to this account, you will not be able to perform this step.
  2. Go to Groups.
  3. Click Create Group.
  4. Below you will be asked for more information about the group. Enter the Group Name, Description, Email, and group owners.
  5. Configure the group, entering the roles of owner, administrator and member. In addition, you can also configure access and admission options to the group.
  6. Click on Create Group.

Option 2: Google Groups

This option can be done by any team member, as long as Google Groups for Business is activated. If it is not, contact your administrator to have it done.

  1. Sign in Google Groups.
  2. Create a new group.
  3. Fill in the information about the group and configure it.
  4. Click Create group.

2. Create the calendar

The second step is to create the calendar in Google Calendar. For this you must:

  1. Sign in with G Suite administrator account.
  2. Gonna Google Calendar
  3. Create a new calendar (+), on the left side of the screen and next to Other calendars.
  4. Add a name, description, and calendar time zone.
  5. Click on Create calendar.

3. Share the calendar with your group

To finish, you will have to share the calendar with the group you created at the beginning. To do this you must:

  1. Click the calendar you want to share
  2. Gonna Access permits.
  3. If you want to share it with your entire organization:
    1. Brand Share with *your domain*
    2. Under Permissions, click the down arrow and choose the desired option.
  4. If you want to share with a specific group;
    1. Click Share with certain people.
    2. Click Add people
    3. In Permissions, click on the down arrow and choose the desired option.
    4. Click Send.

Do you want to learn more about G Suite and collaborative work?

If you have any questions about how to implement the actions mentioned above, you want to continue learning or you need to purchase G Suite for your company or organization, do not hesitate to contact us. contact us. As a Google Premier Partner, we have experts who will help you improve collaborative work with G Suite and they will be able to offer you personalized training.

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