Digitize your business with Google Sheets


In recent years, many companies have chosen to go digital permanently. However, there are still many who have not yet chosen to do so. If you are one of the latter we must tell you something: digitization It is beginning to be an essential process for all companies. The means of consumption by users are changing at great speed and having digital tools for counting, processing and managing data is essential, given the high volume generated by our Internet transactions. This is why in this article we tell you how it works. Google Sheets, and as the «Google Excel«, can help you do it.

What is Google Sheets?

Google Sheets is the google spreadsheet. What we would colloquially say "Google Excel«. This application is included in both the free version for Google home use, as well as in the packages for companies from Google called GSuite. One of the characteristics that makes them unique is their infrastructure completely designed to host information in the cloud. We explain it to you in more detail below.

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How Google Sheets brings digitalization to your business

1. Fully cloud-based

Google Sheets It is part of an entire network of applications, services and products totally based on data processing in Cloud. This means that one of the main differences between Excel and Google Sheets is that all Google functionalities are fully integrated with each other in Google Cloud. If you want to know more differences you can also consult our article Google Sheets vs Excel: which is better for the job. Count on Google Sheets on your device or account GSuite It will make your business a significant leap into the digital world, and a step forward in the effectiveness of communication between colleagues in the same collaborative work environment.

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2. Process automation

With Google Sheets In addition, you can also promote the digitalization of your business through automation in the processing of data that will make your business more productive and efficient. By code JavaScript You can create codes that are a level above typical code formulas. Sheets and Excel, and thus make automations. You can also host your .csv files in the safest and most accessible way.

Besides, the google spreadsheet It also allows you to perform macros, which record the movements or actions you usually do for a certain time (you decide, by activating and deactivating the function) and allow you to automate your routine tasks. One more example of the utility you could create would be to automate emails from a contact list.

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3. Remote collaborative work

As already mentioned, the entire Google suite is completely cloud-based. This allows, apart from being hosted online, the «Google Excel» can be edited remotely. And this means that with Google Sheets You can work with a spreadsheet from different places and edit it at the same time as your team, seeing the changes what these do, being able to add comments in the document or speak directly through the integrated chat. We explain it better in Google Sheet: 7 tips to be an expert.

Thus, Google Sheets Empowers your business with more tools and resources by enabling more dynamic collaboration in document creation. A fact that favors telecommuting of the entire team and the efficiency of collaborative work.

4. More digital and safer

Google Sheets It works like a spreadsheet in the cloud and remotely, allowing you to avoid having a thousand copies of the same document with different versions and risk losing the most up-to-date version. Additionally, Google's suite of business applications, G Suite, you have multiple options to have a control over files, and thus avoid putting the security of your data.

Digitize your business now

As you will have noticed, digitize Your company is at your fingertips. Just by switching to the Google business suite, G Suite, you will enjoy the tool Google Sheets, plus many others. In uCloudStoreAs a Google Premier Partner, we want to help you throughout the change process and advise you to improve your learning of all the tools based on your needs and those of your company. Get in touch with us and learn about a more efficient way to work as a team and collaborate on the same document with the google spreadsheet.

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